Customers: Card Display

An in-depth look at Location cards.

Last Updated: July 11, 2022

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Location Cards

The default way that Locations are listed in CXME is by cards. Although Location cards can be customized, we will take a closer look at a default Location card.

 Clicking on any Location card will take you directly to the Location profile.

screesnhot of a location card with different sections numbered

  1. Name and Address - The first section of the card will include the Customer Name at the top followed by the Location Name. You will just see the Customer Name if there is only 1 Location under that Customer profile. This section also displays the full Location address. 
  2. Custom Area - This section displays the business phone number associated with the Location as well as the MID (Merchant Identification Number) by default. These fields can be changed and you can even add another field in Settings (depending upon your specific Role & Permissions).
  3. Location Info - This section lets you know how many open cases are attached to this Location, the first and last name of any Contacts, as well as any Products.
  4. Three Dot Menu - If you click on the three dots in this section of the Location card, you will be presented with a menu of actions you can perform on the Location. The options you see will depend on your specific Role & Permissions.
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