What do the different Case statuses mean?

Last Updated: July 29, 2022

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Case Status

Cases can be in a variety of different statuses to quickly let Users know where it is in its lifecycle.

  • New - If a Case gets created without an Owner User, it will be in New status until it is claimed or assigned.
  • Ready - Cases that have an Owner User will be in Ready status. Unassigning the case will not move it back to New status. 
  • Waiting - Cases will be in Waiting status after a User sets them to waiting by clicking the Set to Waiting button in the Case panel. Clicking the same button in a Case set to Waiting will automatically move it to Ready status. Cases in Waiting status will automatically move to Ready status if the User that set it to Waiting selected a wake time. Cases in New status that were set to Waiting will not return to New status but will move to Ready status.
  • Resolved - When a User clicks the Resolve button in the Case panel and chooses Completed or Unresolved as the Resolution Status, the Case will move to Resolved status. Chat Cases will automatically move to Resolved status after the Customer clicks or taps on End Chat. A chat or email Case in Resolved status will move back to Ready status if the Customer sends a new message. 
  • Closed - Cases that are in Resolved status will automatically move to Closed after a 2 week period of inactivity. Any new messages that come in will create a new Case. 
  • Canceled - When a User clicks the Resolve button in the Case panel and chooses Canceled as the Resolution Status, the Case will move to Canceled status. No surveys or automated communications will get sent to the Customer.

Work Order Status

Work Orders can have the same statuses as Cases but can also be in statuses relative to the job. 

  • New - All newly created Work Orders will stay in New status until an Estimate has been created.
  • Scheduling - When a User completes the Estimate information.
  • Scheduled - When a Technician accepts a job advertisement in the Toolbox app.
  • En Route - When a Technician taps En Route in the Toolbox app to let you know they are on their way to the job. 
  • In Progress - When a Technician taps Check In in the Toolbox app to let you know they have started working. 
  • Resolved - When a Technician taps Resolve and submits their close out notes in the Toolbox app.
  • Pending Close - When a User approves the Technician's work by closing out the Case.
  • Closed - When payment to a Technician has been approved. 
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