Set Up a Zapier Integration

Connect CXME to your existing Zapier account.

Last Updated: July 27, 2022

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Zapier Integration

Boomtown has an application integrated with Zapier that will allow you to create zaps that will sync your data with outside sources. Setting up this integration is easiest if you are already logged into CXME and Zapier in separate tabs of the same browser. Once you have the integration configured in CXME, you can start creating new zaps in Zapier. Let's learn how!

Your ability to set up a Zapier integration depends on your Role & Permissions.

Configure the Zapier Integration in CXME

Creating a new Zapier integration can easily be done in the Integrations section of the settings view. Let's check it out!

  1. Click on your avatar at the top right, then click on Settings.
    screenshot of cxme with avatar and settings highlighted
  2. Click on Integrations under Customization.
    screenshot of settings options with integrations highlighted
  3. Click on Configure under the Zapier integration.
    screenshot of integrations with configure highlighted under the zapier integration
  4. Select a Team. This will be the Team associated with any zaps you create. 
    screenshot of the zapier configurator with the team highlighted
  5. Give the integration a name to differentiate it from any others. You can optionally add a description and set the Status to Enabled if you are ready to use it straight away. When you are done, click the Save & Next button.

    All additional fields should be left blank. 

    screenshot of zapier configurator with name, description, status, and the save & next button highlighted
  6. Your Zapier integration has been created! You can update the integration by clicking on the Edit icon or delete it by clicking on the Delete icon. You can also quickly enable or disable the integration using the toggle switch.
    screenshot of configured integrations with edit, delete, and enable highlighted

Create a New Zap in Zapier

You can create new zaps using the Boomtown app in Zapier. Let's take a look at testing the integration in Zapier!

The Boomtown app is private and by invitation only. Please email to request an invitation.

  1. Click the Create Zap button.
    screenshot of zapier homepage with the create zap button highlighted
  2. Search for the Boomtown app in the search box, then click on it in the results list.
    screenshot of app picker in zapier with boomtown highlighted
  3. Select an event from the picklist then click the Continue button.

    The next steps may be slightly different depending on the event you choose.

    screenshot of choose app & event in zapier with the continue button highlighted'
  4. Click the Sign In button.
    screenshot of choose your account in zapier with the sign in button highlighted
  5. Enter in your Org Token and Org Secret then click the Yes, Continue button. You will only have to do this the first time you use the Boomtown app.

    If you do not know your Org Token or Org Secret, send an email to

    screenshot of org token and org secret entry in zapier with the yes, continue button highlighted
  6. Click the Continue button. 
    screenshot of choose account in zapier with the continue button highlighted
  7. Select the same Team you chose when configuring the integration from the picklist under Partner Team, then click the Continue button.
    screenshot of set up trigger in zapier wit h the continuie button highlighted
  8. Click the Test Trigger button to test connectivity with your integration. 
    screenshot of test trigger in zapier with the test trigger button highlighted
  9. Your test should pass and you can continue setting up the zap to perform an action in other applications. You can also set Zapier up so an outside event will trigger an action in CXME by choosing a different app as the trigger and the Boomtown app as the action. If you need further assistance, send an email to
    screenshot of passed test in zapier
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