Perform an advanced search in the Boomtown Platform

Last Updated: March 11, 2023

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How can I perform an advanced search in the Boomtown Platform?

The types of searches below are possible in any Platform list with the Global Search bar in the top of the Platform. 


  • Simple search: typing the search query as one or more words will display results containing all those words. For example, searching for Hunan San Francisco will display only results that contain Hunan, San, and Francisco.
  • Partial word search: including an * (asterisk) in the search bar enables partial word search. For example, searching for Hunan* will display results that start with the word Hunan. Searching for *12341234*  will display results containing 12341234. Searching for *12341234 will display results ending in 12341234.
  • Quotes search: including a phrase in quotes (“[phrase]”) in the search bar will treat the phrase as one word in the search. For example, searching for Hunan “San Francisco” will consider San Francisco as one word and look for an exact match.
  • Full-text search: including smart operators + / – in the search bar will modify the search. For example +Hunan +California -San Francisco will give results for all Hunan restaurants in California that are not in San Francisco.

Additional details about searching in the Boomtown Platform

When searching in the Boomtown Platform, we do the following:

Excluded Search Words

The Boomtown Platform generally excludes the following list of words when searching for content - 

  • a
  • an
  • and
  • are
  • as
  • at
  • be
  • but
  • by
  • for
  • if
  • in
  • into
  • is
  • it
  • no
  • not
  • of
  • on
  • or
  • such
  • that
  • the
  • their
  • then
  • these
  • they
  • this
  • to
  • was
  • will
  • with
Other Solr Filters

The Boomtown Platform leverages a number of other native filters in Solr that helps with splits in case change, concatenated words, preserving original phrases, using protected word lists, and other filters. 

Word Splits

By default, the Boomtown Platform splits non-alphanumeric words to their split parts. For example, "this-one-word" will be indexed as: "this one word" "thisoneword" and "this-on-word"

Certain types of words will not be split by the Boomtown Platform. These words include:

Pattern Replacements

When searching, the Boomtown Platform completes the following pattern replacements: 

  • pattern="https://" replacement=""/>
  • pattern="http://" replacement=""/>

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