Delete a Team

How to Delete a Team from an Organization

Last Updated: June 20, 2023

What's in this article?


This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to delete a team from an organization within the platform's settings. By following these instructions, users will be able to soft-delete a team, with an additional option for super users to perform a hard-delete.


  • Step 1: Log in and Access Settings

    1. Log in to the platform using your credentials.

    2. Locate the profile avatar button, usually located in the top-right corner of the screen.

    3. Click on the profile avatar button to open a dropdown menu.

    4. From the dropdown menu, select "Settings" to access the platform settings.

  • Step 2: Navigate to Teams

    1. In the settings menu, locate and click on the "Teams" option from the left side navigation menu.

    2. This will take you to the Teams management page.


  • Step 3: Delete the Team

    1. On the Teams management page, locate the team you want to delete.

    2. Click on the three-dot menu associated with the team.

    3. From the options presented, select the trashcan icon to initiate the deletion process.

  • The Deletion Prompt

    A deletion prompt will appear. Select either "Yes" or "No".


Difference Between Soft-Deleting and Hard-Deleting:

When you click "Delete" to remove a team, you are performing a soft-delete. This means that the team will be marked as deleted within the system but can still be recovered or restored if necessary. Soft-deleting provides an extra layer of precaution to prevent accidental deletions.

Super User Hard-Delete Option:

If you are logged in as a super user, you have the ability to perform a hard-delete. After soft-deleting a team, you can refresh the Teams list and select "Delete" again. This action will permanently and irreversibly delete the team from the organization.

Note: Exercise caution when performing hard-deletes, as they cannot be undone. Make sure to confirm the team's deletion before proceeding.

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